Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Day 4

this is what I did today.
Displace can be used to create lanscapes using any image.
The way it works is it reads the: Black, White and Grey in an image and creates the lanscape using that info
Black = Lowest point
White = Highest point
Grey = Mid-range point
I think that this could also be useful for designing objects like a knife or something.

I also learnt how to use Push-Pull in "Edit poly to smooth out edges on a lanscape as we as add new geometry to it.

I also created a tap using "Soft selection" and "Fallout" to create a tap (from imagination). while making this I also used extrude and champher to create corners and create extra parts like the lever.

I also created a joystick by creating chamfer box, then inseting the box to create 5 seperate polygons around  the centre, then select 3 of the five (the ones that are near the middle on the five) then extrude all 3 upward, then only do 2 then only 1. afterwards there should be a Square polygon in the middle of the box, extrude that upwards then bevel then extrude then bevel to create the tip of the stick. used mesh smooth to finish it off.

Oh I also managed to crash my computer by having 36 "iterations" of turbo smooth. :D

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Day 3

Today we practiced using Splines (2D shapes) by learning how to create custom splines.
To create custom spline you first need too create a few different splines (anyone of them), then once you have them go to "modify" then click on a shape (any shape), after that apply "edit spline" to it.
Once you have done that you now need to attach all the shapes together, then scoll down the menu bar on the right side to find "Boolean" then click on one shape then click "Boolean" then clcik another to combine them. once you have unite/ subtracted/ intersected what you want go on "Edit poly" to turn it into a 3d object.
When using Boolean on 3d shapes, it is place somewhere else in "Compond objects", first click on the object you want to edit, then clcik on Boolean, then "pick operand B" to select the secone object. this is useful for when you want to create custom 3D objects like cheese, or a plug.

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Day 2

Today I used different types of modeling to create a house, aglass, a bottle and a screw driver.
While creating the house I started off with a box, then using edit poly I added another edge then moved it up to create the pointed roof, after that I created a garage by using the same technique but adding three new edges to create a new polygon then I extruded the polygon out to create the garage.
While creating the Glass and bottle I used lathe, this is done by creating a path using a splice object, the line tool, fraw out half of the object then use lathe to create the rest
While creating the Screwdriver I used Lofting modelling, this is done by creating shapes at a specific size then creating a line that acts as a path, then get the shape onto a certain point of the path then it would eventually create a screwdriver

Lathe, Lofting and Box modelling

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Day 1

While using 3ds max I used different tools, theses tools where:

Transform Tools:

Viewpoint tools:
Pan view
I created a clown using only primitive objects then once I finished the clown I created the Theme park where it is