Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Day 3

Today we practiced using Splines (2D shapes) by learning how to create custom splines.
To create custom spline you first need too create a few different splines (anyone of them), then once you have them go to "modify" then click on a shape (any shape), after that apply "edit spline" to it.
Once you have done that you now need to attach all the shapes together, then scoll down the menu bar on the right side to find "Boolean" then click on one shape then click "Boolean" then clcik another to combine them. once you have unite/ subtracted/ intersected what you want go on "Edit poly" to turn it into a 3d object.
When using Boolean on 3d shapes, it is place somewhere else in "Compond objects", first click on the object you want to edit, then clcik on Boolean, then "pick operand B" to select the secone object. this is useful for when you want to create custom 3D objects like cheese, or a plug.

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